25 January 2012

Vultee Arch...kinda.

Don't let our smiles fool you...
Well, it's a crying shame that I didn't put this up earlier. Oh the endeavors my lovely friend, Leti, Simon and I had. We set out for one of those impromptu hikes, like I normal do. It was a hilarious hike, none the less. Vultee Arch, more like, one hell of a place to try and find. This place seems easy from what the book said, but nope, it's kinda confusing. 

The morning of our hike 20 miles away from the destination, the weather was cold, somewhat snowy-ish and light rain. Oh boy. We got ready to go (Simon and I) then we went to go pick up Leti. As we are driving down to Sedona, guess what happens to welcome us...? The same weather we had back home! Hmmmf. We continued and told each other that maybe the weather will be better out in the middle of no where...we were incorrect times a million. 

If you guys remember a hike called Devil's Bridge, with my friend Chris, well Vultee Arch is just about 3 or 4 miles further down. So as Leti, Simon and I went about this hike, we parked a few miles before Devil's Bridge. The roads are extremely "rocky" and I didn't want to ruin my shocks on the truck so we opted to walk...bad idea. Simon is 9 years old. He is, even though he's 63 in human years, very active for a big dog. Simon was diggin this hike. There are a few in between hikes that we thought was Vultee Arch, but turned out to be other hikes that weren't even on the map. Go figure. 

Where oh where is Vultee Arch!?
We walked for what felt like miles and miles. We past many hike points along the way, but somehow didn't run into Vultee Arch until the sun was hitting the set. We even made videos of where we were, if we were to even get lost. 

We made it!!!?!?!
We reached Vultee Arch about 3 or 4 hours later, maybe... Super excited as were were, come to find out that while encountering the horrible weather that was welcoming us, the trail was full of mud. I looked at Leti and Leti looked at me and then we nodded in agreement to head back. WELL, to get back, that felt like an eternity of death. We walked and walked, thinking that we were finally back to my truck. We ran into people who were just coming into do a hike. Those people are crazy. As we did the eternity walk, snow, sleet and rain decided to greet us all within a few minutes of each other. 
Always be prepared!

Sedona weather is...unpredictable.
Being that Leti and I are both Hispanics, we pack very tactfully. Leti brought food and so did I, we brought coats, socks, baby wipes, and whatever else we could think of. I had an umbrella that came into good use for the inclement weather we experienced. As we got further to the truck, we decided to stop and take pictures...Simon was not happy that we stopped. He was a wet, tired pup who really didn't want to stop. The sunset was beautiful and we just couldn't pass up a picture...

If anyone needed to find us, my umbrella would help. :)
The pictures were simply necessary! Simon couldn't disagree more. Poor baby. I felt so bad. Our feet were muddy and we were soaked. My calves hurt like no ones business. My whole body ached from head to toe. Uphill, down hill, we were sliding up, down, and side to side. It was defintely the most intersesting of the hikes I have been on. By the time we got back to my truck, it was pitch black. Thank goodness we brought flash lights, food and extra clothes. Hispanics...what can we say? 

J. Cay

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